Field Techniques in Wetlands
biol 358 - Great Lakes - SUmmer Session I
A comprehensive overview of wetland ecosystem processes, values, legislation, and quantification. Students will learn to evaluate and quantify soils, hydrologic status, and vegetation in a variety of wetland ecosystems including bogs, emergent marshes, forested wetlands, and wetlands converted for agriculture, and to apply standard tools developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers and Michigan Department of Environmental Quality to assess wetland extent and habitat quality. Prerequisite: one year of general biology or one semester of general ecology. (4-credits)
Professor: Dr. Heath Garris
Meets: Wednesday & Friday
knowledge gained
Wetland ecosystem properties, services, and significance
History and current regulatory framework for wetlands
Ecosystem feedback to global processes (carbon balance and sequestration)
skills developed
Habitat identification and delineation (USACoE Wetland Delineation)
Habitat quality assessment (Michigan Rapid Assessment Method for Wetlands (MiRAM) & Indices of Biotic Integrity)
Hydrologic determination
Basic Soil Survey and Characterization
Vegetation survey
Geodatabase development and mapping (ArcGIS)
Technical reporting for regulatory compliance
field experiences
Beaver Pond
Upper Manistee Headwaters Preserve
Sunset Trail Swamp
Skegmog Lake Wildlife Area
Big Twin Lake
Manistee Lake
Bear Lake Bog
Grass River Natural Area