Au Sable Says Farewell to Dr. Brian Keas

Au Sable Institute announced today that Dr. Brian Keas will soon be leaving his position at the Institute to take a position at Michigan State University. Dr. Keas has served as Au Sable’s Director of College Programs for the last six years.

“I am extremely grateful for Brian’s six years of excellent service to this Institute, our students, and our mission,” said Jon Terry, Au Sable’s Executive Director. “Brian successfully navigated Au Sable’s college program through the pandemic, made numerous changes and improvements to serve our 53 partner schools and students better, and positioned us for future success.”

Brian provided the following statement regarding his time at Au Sable and his next steps: “I am thankful for the successful work we have accomplished together during my time at Au Sable. Angie and I will leave northern Michigan with mixed emotions, but we feel led to return to a university and academic setting with new opportunities for both of us.”

Au Sable will launch a search for Brian’s replacement in the near future.

About Au Sable’s College Program:

At Au Sable, we believe Christians should be leading the way in solving the earth’s toughest environmental challenges. Through hands-on learning in the outdoors, engaging professors who integrate faith into their instruction, and a supportive community of friends, we inspire and educate students to serve, protect and restore God’s earth. We accomplish our mission through various programs including a college academic program which supports students from our 53 partner Christian colleges and universities and offers 25 university-level courses each summer at multiple locations in the United States and in Costa Rica (, and online. Twenty-two campus based courses, offered in a 3-week May Session or in two 5-week summer sessions, are intentional in providing field-intensive (>50% or course time outside the classroom) and skills-based experiences through small class sizes that prepare students for careers or further study in environmental vocations.