Liturgy 2
We thrive in community vs.
We must become independent of others in order to succeed
Reflection by Abi Parker
How does the counter liturgy appear in your own life or surroundings?
Our society highly values independence, which isn’t always a bad thing. But it often makes us feel as if we can’t allow ourselves to be vulnerable. For me, I unconsciously hide my feelings. My default response to being asked, “How are you?” is, “I’m great, you?” We are often afraid of burdening others with our struggles, so we simply smile and shoulder the burden ourselves. The risk of relationship can be overwhelming, but God created us to live life with others. Living up to our fullest potential cannot be achieved without having meaningful relationships with others and with God.
What habits or practices have most helped you to resist the counter-liturgy and live out the truth of the liturgy?
One habit that has helped me to resist the counter-liturgy is to carve out specific times in my day to devote to my relationship with the Lord and relationships with others. I spend at least ten minutes each morning in the Word, and I try to schedule as many intentional meals with friends as possible. When having a busy schedule, it’s important to arrange times to get together with friends and family. Your planner is not exclusively for homework and studying. Also, a good rule of thumb is if the Holy Spirit is prompting you to be available for someone even if you’re caught up doing other things, listen to that voice. There is likely something more important at hand.
What is something you started doing at Au Sable that you’ve carried with you into your life back home? How is that shaping you?
At Au Sable, I started taking study breaks by going outside. It’s easy to get caught up in our to-do lists and sludge through the day by going from one thing to another. We will feel so much more revitalized and motivated when we take the time to simply get outside and get some fresh air. Multiple studies have shown that spending even 20-30 minutes outside has been proven to reduce stress levels. Close that laptop and go catch some sunshine!
How has your life of worship and understanding of God shifted as a result of practicing this liturgy?
Keeping the need for relationships at the forefront of my mind has helped me to have better priorities. God seeks to have a deep relationship with each of us, but a relationship is a two-way street. We must be intentional with our worship and prayer, especially in a society that values being busy and meeting deadlines. My time at Au Sable reminded me of the child-like wonder I had growing up about being in nature. Relationships are seen everywhere in God’s creation, whether that be a monarch caterpillar on a milkweed plant or mycorrhizae fungi and tree roots. As creatures that are made in God’s image, we are fully equipped to form meaningful relationships that bring glory to God.