Marine Biology

biol 318 - Pacific rim - Summer Session II

Girls with seastars.jpg

Marine Biology focuses on intertidal life and marine ecology in oceanic and geophysical context.  Students study the biology of marine plants and animals in the field, specifically trophic dynamic relationships of eel grass communities and the intertidal zone, workings of the island systems of Puget Sound, ecological roles of sea birds and fishes, population and community structure dynamics, exploitation and oceanic microbialization, and biogeochemical processes and their linkages with the biosphere. Marine stewardship and effects of human activity on the marine environment are integral to the course. Prerequisites: General biology or permission of professor. (4 credit)


Professor: Dr. Tim Wakefield

Meets: Monday & Thursday


knowledge gained

Recognize and understand basic marine biological terms and concepts

Understand the general and habitat-specific biology that occurs in marine systems

Understand the relevance of marine biology to current scientific, social and economic arenas

Recognize and identify a variety of marine organisms from the Pacific Northwest marine ecosystem


skills developed

Marine taxa identification

Scientific illustration



field experiences

Casey Lighthouse (Human domination of the marine environment)

Ebey’s Landing Double Bluffs (Geological forces in the marine environment)

Camp Casey Tidepools – Whidbey Island (Rocky Intertidal algae and invertebrates)

Keystone Jetty (Rocky Intertidal algae and invertebrates)

South Whidbey State Park (Forest/Marine interaction)

San Juan Island - Lime Kiln State Park (Marine Mammals)

Coupeville Wharf (Biological Stratification)

Grasser’s Lagoon (Mudflats)

Snakelum Point (Sandflats)